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To meet the diverse needs of our student body we offer several plans of study. Students with a bachelor’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program may be eligible for the 30 credit hour advanced standing program, which can be completed in as little as nine months. Students who do not have a BSW can complete the entire 60 credit hour MSW program as a full-time or part-time student.

Full-Time Program: 60 credits (3 credits per course)
Course Number Course Title
Fall Semester: Year One
SWK 510 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
SWK 511 Field Practicum I
SWK 512 Social Work Research Methods
SWK 513 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (HBSE I)
SWK 514 History of Social Welfare and Policy Analysis
Spring Semester: Year One
SWK 550 Social Work Practice with Groups (prerequisite: SWK 510)
SWK 551 Field Practicum II (prerequisite: SWK 511)
SWK 553 Human Behavior in the Social Environment (HBSE II) (prerequisite: SWK 513)
SWK 524 Global Leadership
  Generalist Elective
Summer Option
  SWK 612 and/or SWK 640 and/or diversity (so students can take four courses in fall and four courses in spring).
Fall Semester: Year Two
SWK 610 Advanced Social Work Practice with Families-Global (prerequisites: SWK 510, 550)
SWK 611 Field Practicum III (prerequisites: SWK 511, 551)
SWK 614 Family Centered Policy in a Global Context (prerequisite: SWK 514)
SWK 640 Mental Health History, Theories and Treatment
#1 Track Required Course
Spring Semester: Year Two
SWK 655 Community Practice (prerequisites: SWK 510, 550, 610)
SWK 651 Field Practicum IV (prerequisites: SWK 511, 551, 611)
SWK 612 Practice Evaluation (prerequisite: SWK 512)

Advanced Diversity (one course required)

SWK 620 Empowerment Practice with Latinos: Identity, Social Context, and Implications for Practice

SWK 622 Negotiating Social, Cultural, and Psychological Borders: Social Work with Immigrant and Refugee Families and Communities

SWK 623 Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Social Policy

SWK 624 A Feminist Approach to Clinical Practice with Individual and Families

SWK 625 Race, Gender, and Human Rights in the Guatemalan Context

#2 Track Required Course

Regular Standing (Part-time: 60 Credits (3 credits per course)
Course Number Course Title
Fall Semester: Year One 
SWK 513 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I (HBSE I)
SWK 514 History of Social Work and Social Welfare
Spring Semester: Year One
SWK 512 Social Work Research Methods
SWK 553 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II (HBSE II) (prerequisite: SWK 513)
Summer I
  General Elective
Summer II
SWK Advanced Diversity (one course required from the following):
  SWK 620 Empowerment Practice with Latinos: Identity, Social Context, and Implications for Practice
  SWK 622 Negotiating Social, Cultural, and Psychological Borders: Social Work with Immigrant and Refugee Families and Communities
  SWK 623 Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Social Policy
  SWK 624 A Feminist Approach to Clinical Practice with Individuals and Families
  SWK 625 Race, Gender and Human Rights in the Guatemalan context
Fall Semester: Year Two
SWK 510 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families
SWK 511 Field Practicum I
SWK 614 Family-Centered Policy in a Global Context (prerequisite: SWK 514)
Spring Semester: Year Two
SWK 550 Social Work Practice with Groups (prerequisite: SWK 510)
SWK 551 Field Practicum II  (prerequisite: SWK 511)
SWK 524 Social Work Leadership
SWK 640  Mental Health: History, Theories, Treatment (prerequisites SWK 510, 550)
  Additional Course Option: See below and adjust schedule as needed
  SWK 612 Practice Evaluation
  SPED 522 Exceptional Students: Characteristics and the Special Education Process  (if School Track)
  Aging Course (if Aging Track)
Fall Semester: Year Three
SWK 610 Advanced Social Work Practice with Families-Global (prerequisites: SWK 510, 550)
SWK 611 Field Practicum III (prerequisites: SWK 511, 551)
#1 Track Required Course
Spring Semester: Year Three
SWK 655 Community Practice (prerequisites: SWK 510, 550, 610)
SWK 651 Field Practicum IV (prerequisites: SWK 511, 551, 611)
SWK 612 Practice Evaluation (prerequisite SWK 512)
#2 Track Required Course