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Teacher Education Program (TEP)

All students pursuing a teacher licensure program (including all transfer students) must apply to the Teacher Education Program before registering for more than three education courses. TEP information is posted on the .

Criteria for Teacher Education Program Acceptance

  • Currently enrolled in or have completed EDUC 200/CRWS 101, ECED 300/CRWS 101, SEDU 302 or equivalent transfer course  
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or above 
  • Clear fingerprint and background check following the CPS Approval for Field Experience application following the steps in the . At the link scroll down to the left side purple box for the section titled CPS Field Experience Registration and follow steps 1, 2, 3.   to review the CPS Field Experience Approval Guide. The CPS Field Experience Registration requests the following information: 
    • Field Placement Coordinator name: Bridget Burns 
    • Field Placement Coordinator contact number: (708) 524-6806 
    • Field Placement Coordinator email address: brburns@dom.edu
    • Name of CPS Placement School: unknown 
  • You must obtain and submit an Approval Notice from CPS (result of applying to ). CPS will send the Approval Notice to your email after you apply and upon approval. Please save that email for submission to the Teacher Education Program application.  
  • Take a screenshot of the CPS Approval Notice. Upload the saved screenshot of the CPS Approval Notice as indicated on the .
  • Save the CPS Approval Notice because you might need to show it when you do field work at a CPS school. 

Applying to the Teacher Education Program

  • Set up a licensure account (ELIS) at the  to obtain an Illinois Educator Identification Number (IEIN). 
  • Complete the . After your application is submitted, it will be reviewed, and an email notification will be sent.
  • The Office of Student Success and Engagement (SSE) will officially declare/record your major upon such notification after the review has been completed.  

If you have any questions about your TEP application, please email Monica Halloran.  

Continuation in the Teacher Education Program

The following criteria are required in order to continue as a candidate in the Teacher Education Program:

  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75; Education GPA of 2.75
  • A minimum grade of C- in all courses presented for licensure
  • Acceptable dispositions ratings

A candidate who does not meet the above requirements is subject to the School of Education’s candidate intervention/remediation process. As part of that process, candidates and their advisors will develop an intervention/remediation plan for the candidate. The plan is designed to support candidates in addressing the criteria above that are not satisfied. If the plan is not successfully met, the candidate may be withdrawn from the program.

Criteria for Admission to Student Teaching
  • IL Content Area Test(s): all candidates must earn a passing score by September 30 for spring student teaching and by June 30 for fall student teaching. You can register and get more information at ICTS Testing Service:

In addition to the passing score by the required date on the state-required Content Test(s), the following prerequisites for student teaching placement are necessary:

  • Completion of education courses specified in your program
  • Minimum grade of C- in all courses presented for licensure and clear background check
  • At least 75 field experience hours are completed and no more than 25 hours are in process during the term in which you are applying
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.75; Education GPA of 2.75
  • Approval of your education advisor