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When you crossed the graduation stage, you were automatically welcomed into the Alumnae/i Association! It is now important to redefine what being a part of the Alumnae/i Association means. Not only will the Alumnae/i Association continue to offer the traditional benefits, but the Office of Alumnae/i Relations is excited to announce the creation of the Alumnae/i Engagement Network.

What is the Engagement Network and what do they do?

The Engagement Network is a group of dedicated alumnae/i volunteers from across all class years who plan and execute events and programs for alumnae/i. The Engagement Network looks toward the guidance of the Alumnae/i Leadership Council on strategic initiatives for all alumnae/i. This model is a true peer-to-peer network, because who better to create alumnae/i events than alums themselves?

What is the time commitment for Engagement Network Members?

Put simply, that is up to you. There are three annual meetings Engagement Network Members are expected to attend. Outside of those meetings, the Engagement Network Members will determine how much time to dedicate to each project to ensure its success. If there is a program or event that an Engagement Network Member is particularly passionate about, they are encouraged to:

  • Consider hosting an event or gathering
  • Moderating a panel or discussion
  • Creating communication in partnership with Alumnae/i Relations staff
How do I become an Engagement Network Member?

Submit the survey form here and Alumnae/i Relations Staff will get in touch with you! We are thrilled to have you involved!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at alumni@dom.edu or 708-524-6286. We are excited to hear from you!
