Joslyn Bowling Dixon MLIS ’09 Appointed Director of Newark Public Library

July 9, 2020
The Newark Public Library announced the appointment of Joslyn Bowling Dixon MLIS ’09 as Director of the Library, effective August 3, 2020. A distinguished librarian, Joslyn brings a wealth and depth of experience working in large urban public libraries spanning more than 20 years.
Joslyn is currently the Deputy Director of the Prince William Public Library System in Virginia, where she directs 11 branches and a $17 million+ annual budget. Community service and professional leadership have been hallmarks of her career. She currently serves as the Chair of Virginia Library Association’s (VLA) Librarians of Color Forum and as VLA’s Vice President.
Joslyn is a graduate of Hampton University (BA, English) and 91鶹ӳý (MLIS). She is a Councilor-At-Large of the American Library Association, and an active member of the Public Library Association and the Urban Libraries Council.
Library Science (printed in the Fall 2020 91鶹ӳý Magazine)
Joslyn Bowling Dixon MLIS ’09 wasn’t planning a career as a librarian when she landed her first professional job at a public library in Hazel Crest. But she enjoyed the work, and one job led to another, and she realized she’d found her calling. Over the years, she’s held a series of progressively more responsible positions at libraries around the country, mostly in urban settings.
In August, Joslyn took on a new role as director of the Newark Public Library, an eight-location library system serving a diverse urban population.
“What drew me to this position is that the Newark Public Library was already doing a phenomenal job of serving the community, and the community really values what we have to o¡er,” she said. “We have the potential here to be a thought leader in the library field, and I’m looking forward to the challenge of continuing to lift us up.”