Mickey Sweeney
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences
Sweeney, M. (2009). Breaking the Romance: Identifying Sin, Earning Redemption, and the Gift of Mercy in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Enarratio: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest (16), 124-139. Retrieved from .
Sweeney, M. (2008). Generating Enthusiasm: Performing Chaucer in the Small Liberal Arts College Classroom. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching: SMART, 15(1), 47-54.
Sweeney, M. (2007). Medieval Solomon and the Construction of Interpretation in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Enarratio: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest (14), 101-117. Retrieved from .
Sweeney, M. (2006). Divine Love or Loving Divinely?: The Ending of Maloryβs βMorte Darthur.β Arthuriana, 16(2), 73β77. Retrieved from .
(2005). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. McFarland & Company.
Sweeney, M. (2004). Gawain's tempting Helen: prophesying the fall of Camelot. In Risden, E., Moranski, K., & Yandell, S. (eds.). Prophet margins: the Medieval vatic impulse and social stability. Peter Lang. Retrieved from .
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