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Derek teaches courses in strategy and business, including the Business Gateway course (MGMT 197) and the Capstone Practicum (MGMT 497). His courses focus on big picture decision-making and assignments that are relevant to the way managers work in the real world. His research focuses on innovation and strategy, especially firm boundaries and patenting. He hails from a farm in Canada but now lives near downtown Chicago with his wife and two kids.

PhD, Management, Purdue University
MBA, Technology, University of Alberta
BS, Biochemistry, Mcmaster University
Research Interests

Innovation and how firms create value
Strategic management, especially firm boundaries including mergers and acquisitions
Technology commercialization, and how we move from idea to profit

Selected Publications

Ruth, D., & Sui, S. (2022). The Effect of Board Gender Diversity and Environmental Responsibility on Innovation: Evidence from the Top-Patenting Firms. Journal of Comparative International Management, 25(2), 178–193. Retrieved from . 

Sharp, B., Iyer, D., & Ruth, D. (2019). Chapter 16: Patent-Based Measures in Strategic Management Research. In Tuncdogan, A., Lindgreen, A., Volberda, H., & van den Bosch, F. (Eds.). Strategic Renewal: Core Concepts, Antecedents and Micro-Foundations (1st Ed.). Routledge. Retrieved from

Ruth, D., Brush, T., & Ryu, W. (2015). The use of information technology in the provision of HR compensation services and its effect on outsourcing and centralization. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 21(1), 25-37. Retrieved from . 

Ruth, D. & Wolff, J. (2015). On the Variability and Risk of Evaluating the Commercial Potential of Technologies: An Entrepreneurship Course Evaluating Real Inventions for Commercial Potential. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 18(1), 75-85. Retrieved from .  

Ruth, D. (2014). How Firm Characteristics Affect the Speed of Patenting. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 13, 75. Retrieved from .  

Selected Presentations
The PRME – UN Sustainable Development Goals Utilization in Classroom Learning, PRME North America 2022 Biennial Meeting, April 21-23, 2022
Corporate Social Responsibility, Board Gender Diversity, and Firm Innovation, Concordi 2021 - 8th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation, 2021
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Innovation in High-Patenting Firms, Midwest Academy of Management, 2017
Adaptation, Disruption, And Engagement: Lessons From Faculty, Caritas Veritas Symposium, 2017
Sharp, B.M., Iyer, D.N., & Ruth, D. β€œPatent-Based Measures in Strategic Management Research: A Review, Demonstration, and Assessment”. Presented at the 2014 Midwest Academy of Management annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2014


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