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Jeffrey Carlson is Professor of Theology. He has published in the areas of theological method, interfaith dialogue, the historical Jesus and Christian faith, integrative learning, and experiential learning. Recent publications include “Against Being Inclusive” (Liberal Education), “Building and Assessing a Culture of Interfaith Learning” (Diversity & Democracy), and “Do You Love Us? Higher Education as an Interfaith Conversation about the Good Life” in Hearing Vocation Differently: Meaning and Purpose in the Multi-Faith Academy (Oxford University Press). He has served on the board of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area and is Trustee Emeritus, Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions. In June 2022 he ended 20 years of administrative appointments at 91鶹ӳý—15 years as Dean of the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences followed by five years as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Before that, he spent 13 years at DePaul University in Chicago—as a faculty member and then Chair of the Religious Studies Department, before becoming Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.

PhD, Theology, University of Chicago
MA, Religious Studies, University of Chicago
BA, Religious Studies, DePaul University
Selected Publications

Do You Love Us Higher Education as an Interfaith Conversation about the Good Life (Oxford University, 2019)

Site Visits and Epistemological Diversity in the Study of Religion (Religious Studies News, 2004)

Multiple Belonging: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Ongoing Dominance of Christianity in Contemporary Buddhist-Christian Dialogue (Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2003)

Caring about More: An Integrative Capstone Course Connecting Religious Studies with General Education (Teaching Theology and Religion, 2001)

'The Symbol Gives Rise...': Problematizing Superficial Readings Through a 'Focal Point Seminar' (Council of Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin, 2001)

Pretending to Be Buddhist and Christian: Thich Nhat Hanh and the Two Truths of Religious Identity (Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2000)

Selected Presentations
"The Conversation Book: Relationship-centeredness in the Context of Covid", American Academy of Religion, 2022
"Integrating Interfaith Cooperation into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitments", Association of American Colleges and Universities/Interfaith Youth Core, Institute on Teaching and Learning for Campus-wide Inte, 2021
"Embedding Interfaith Learning into General Education", Association of American Colleges and Universities/Interfaith Youth Core, Institute on Teaching and Learning for Campus-wide Inte, 2021
"Exploring Institutional Vocation", Council of Independent Colleges, Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education Regional Meeting on “The Change a Difference Ma, 2021
"Promoting Diversity and Civility through Liberal Arts", Council of Independent Colleges, Institute for Chief Academic Officers, 2019
Selected Conferences
Invited participant--Genocide Studies and Interreligious Studies: Comparative Pedagogical and Research Approaches, Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies Inaugural Faculty Seminar, 2022


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