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The social and political changes brought on by the U.S. Civil Rights Movement continue to impact national life around issues of race, equity and citizenship, but this is not the full extent of the movement’s impact. This trip will explore two important threads of social and cultural impact—faith communities and social action and the arts and social action. Tracing these two themes, the students embarking on the “March: a Civil Rights Journey" will explore social action through the lens of faith and culture. They will bear witness to the creative organizing of civil rights leaders past and present and address the work that still needs to be done. The team will visit hallowed places in the Movement in Washington DC, Selma, Montgomery, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago and Memphis, and reflect with one another on the call to be the Beloved Community and embrace the legacy of our Civil Rights forebears. 


University Ministry strives to make all of the immersion experiences affordable for every student. Please check back here once the application cycle is active to inquire about immersions costs.


Program Dates

University Ministry will provide updates on opportunities like the one on this page as they become available.