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Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX protects students, faculty and staff, and prohibits gender-based and sexual misconduct.

The DU community is asked to report incidents of: 

  • Gender Identity Discrimination
  • Gender-based or Sexual Violence
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Relationship Violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation
  • Hate Crimes
  • Bias-motivated offensive conduct
  • Discrimination against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability

Some specific examples of conduct that may constitute Title IX Sexual Harassment if unwelcome include, but are not limited to:

  • Unreasonable pressure for a dating, romantic, or intimate relationship or sexual contact
  • Unwelcome kissing, hugging, or massaging.
  • Sexual innuendos, jokes, or humor
  • Displaying sexual graffiti, pictures, videos, or posters
  • Using sexually explicit profanity
  • Asking about, or telling about, sexual fantasies, sexual preferences, or sexual activities
  • E-mail, internet, or other electronic use that violates this Policy.
  • Leering or staring at someone in a sexual way, such as staring at a person’s breasts or groin
  • Sending sexually explicit emails, text messages, or social media posts
  • Commenting on a person’s dress in a sexual manner
  • Giving unwelcome personal gifts such as lingerie that suggest the desire for a romantic relationship
  • Insulting, demeaning, or degrading another person based on gender or gender stereotypes.

Bias is a pre-formed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons who possess common characteristics, such as skin color, or cultural experiences, such as religion or national origin. DU policies prohibit bias and discrimination related to a protected identity.

The DU community is asked to report bias incidents regarding:

  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Gender Identity or Expression
  • Sexual Orientation
  • National Origin
  • Age
  • Disability Status
  • Veteran Status
  • Faith Tradition 

The DU community is asked to report incidents that may violate university anti-discrimination and sexual misconduct policies so that efforts can be made to end discriminatory and harassing conduct, prevent its reoccurrence, and, where possible, remedy its effects. All university employees, contracted staff, designated student employees, and trustees are required to report concerning behaviors, including threats or crimes by employees. DU takes reports seriously and is committed to following up on reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and discrimination.

If you see something, say something!

All university employees, except for Licensed Mental Health Professionals, are required to report details of an alleged Title IX incident. If a person would like to talk with someone confidentially first, the resources for confidential resources are listed below:

  • Counseling Services & Healthcare Professionals at the Wellness Center
  • Off-campus agencies (limitation of confidentiality may exist for individuals under 18)
    • National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
    • State of Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline: 877-863-6338
    • Pillars 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 708-485-5254
    • Pillars 24-hour Sexual Violence Hotline: 708-482-9600

Once a Title IX/Bias report is received, the Title IX Coordinator reviews the report to see if it’s a Title IX, discrimination, or student conduct violation. If the report is related to discrimination or student conduct, it is routed to the correct university contact to address the matter. If its Title IX related, the Title IX Coordinator will reach out to the reporter with a list of supportive measures and a request to meet to discuss the following:

  • Details surrounding the event
  • Supportive measures
  • Information on the applicable grievance process (i.e. formal complaint or informal resolution)
  • Next steps 

If the complainant does not respond or does not want to move forward with a formal complaint or informal resolution, the case will be closed but can be reopened at any time. Individuals may receive supportive measures independent of the decision to move forward with a formal complaint or informal resolution.

If the complainant wants to move forward with informal resolution, the Title IX Coordinator will work with both parties to determine an agreed upon informal resolution process (i.e. mediation). Written notice will be sent to both parties for their written consent prior to beginning the information resolution process. If a resolution is reached, the case is final once both parties and Title IX Coordinator sign the resolution. If a resolution is not reached, the complaint can move forward to investigation. Any party may withdraw their consent to participate at any time before the resolution is finalized. In addition, informal resolution is not allowed if the respondent is a university employee accused of committing Title IX Sexual Harassment against a student.

If the complainant wants to move forward with a formal complaint, an investigation will begin. The complainant and respondent will be sent a Notice of Investigation and Allegation (NOIA) and contacted by investigators to set up interviews. Once the evidence gathering portion of the investigation is complete, the investigators will send an evidence packet for both parties to review and respond to within 10 days. After that time, the investigators will put together an investigation report that will be sent to both parties and an assigned hearing officer. A hearing will commence, and the hearing officer will offer a finding. Complainants and respondents have equal opportunity to appeal a finding.

For an overview of the Title IX workflow, visit: Title IX Workflow (pdf opens in a new window) 

Supportive measures are non-punitive, non-disciplinary interventions the university may put in place to preserve or restore an individual’s access to the educational or work environment.

Supportive measure may include but are not limited to:

  • Counseling
  • Extensions of academic or other deadlines
  • Modifications to work or class schedules
  • Course-related adjustments
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • No contact order
  • Honoring an order of protection by a State civil or criminal court
  • Campus escort services
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus
  • Other changes to academic, living, dining, transportation, and working situations
  • Leaves of absence