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BSN Traditional Pre-Licensure Suggested Four-year Plan of Study: Fall Start

Semester hours for nursing courses are noted in parentheses.

Freshman Year
Fall Semester: 16 credit hours Spring Semester: 17 credit hours
LAS Freshman Seminar (3) LANG 102 (4)
MATH 130 (3) MATH 211 (3)*
CRWS 101 (3) BIO 152 (4)*
CHEM 101 (4) or CHEM 120 (4) CIS 120 (3)
HI/FA/PH/TH x1 (3) CRWS 102 (3)
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester: 16 credit hours Spring Semester: 15 credit hours
LAS Sophomore Seminar (3) Multicultural and HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 (3)
BIOL 160 (4)* NUTR 250 (3)*
BIOL 252 (4)* PHIL 242 (3) or THEO 368 (3)
PSYCH 101 (3) CHS 260 (3)*
Multicultural and HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 (3) PSYCH 212 (3)
Junior Year
Fall Semester: 16 credit hours Spring Semester: 15-17 credit hours
NURS 313 Health Assessment and Promotion (4) NURS 323 Evidenced-based Practice (3)**
NURS 314 Adult Health Nursing I: Fundamentals (3) NURS 324 Adult Health Nursing II: Medical and Surgical (3)
NURS 214 Adult Health Nursing I: Fundamentals Clinical (3) NURS 224 Adult Health Nursing II Clinical (3) 
NURS 322 Pharmacology in Nursing Practice (3) NURS 333 Mental Health Nursing (3)**
HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 or Life in the Natural World Seminar (3) NURS 233 Mental Health Nursing Clinical (1)**
  HI/FA/PH/TH x 1 or NURS/CHS Elective (2-4)
Senior Year
Fall Semester: 15 credit hours Spring Semester: 16-17 credit hours
NURS 415 Transcultural Nursing (3)** NURS 444 Nursing Leadership Dimensions/Role Transition Capstone (4)
NURS 299 Community-Based Learning (1)** NURS 244 Nursing Leadership Dimensions/Role Transition Clinical (4)
NURS 432 Community Health Nursing (3)*  NURS Elective (3)
NURS 232 Community Health Nursing Clinical (1)** CHS Elective (2-3)
NURS 434 Nursing of the Childbearing Family (3)** LAS Senior Seminar (3)
NURS 234 Nursing of the Childbearing Family Clinical (1)**  
NURS 435 Nursing of Children and Families (3)**  
NURS 235 Nursing of Children and Families Clinical (1)**  

*Prerequisite courses that require a grade of B- or higher
** Denotes 8-week course delivery

BSN Traditional Pre-Licensure Suggested Four-year Plan of Study: Spring Start

Semester hours for nursing courses are noted in parentheses.

Freshman Year
Spring Semester: 17 credit hours Fall Semester: 16 credit hours
LANG 102 (4) LAS Freshman Seminar (3) 
MATH 211 (3)* MATH 130 (3)
BIOL 152 (4)* CRWS 101 (3)
CIS 120 (3) CHEM 101 (4) or CHEM 120 (4)
CRWS 102 (3) HI/FA/PH/TH x 1 (3)
Sophomore Year
Spring Semester: 15 credit hours Fall Semester: 16 credit hours
Multicultural and HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 (3) LAS Sophomore Seminar (3)
NUTR 250 (3)* BIOL 160 (4)*
PHIL 242 (3) or THEO 368 (3) BIOL 252 (4)*
CHS 260 (3)* PSYCH 101 (3)
PSYCH 212 (3) Multicultural and HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 (3)
Junior Year
Spring Semester: 16 credit hours Fall Semester: 15-17 credit hours
NURS 313 Health Assessment and Promotion (4) NURS 323 Evidence-Based Practice (3)**
NURS 314 Adult Health Nursing I: Fundamentals (3) NURS 324 Adult Health Nursing II: Medical and Surgical (3)
NURS 214 Adult Health Nursing I: Fundamentals Clinical (3) NURS 224 Adult Health Nursing II Clinical (3)
NURS 322 Pharmacology in Nursing Practice (3) NURS 333 Mental Health Nursing (3)**
HI/LT/PH/TH x 1 or Life in the Natural World Seminar (3) NURS 233 Mental Health Nursing Clinical (1)**
  HI/FA/PH/TH x 1 or NURS/CHS Elective (2-4)
Senior Year
Spring Semester: 15 credit hours Fall Semester: 16-17 credit hours
NURS 415 Transcultural Nursing (3)** NURS 444 Nursing Leadership Dimensions/Role Transition Capstone (4)
NURS 299 Community-Based Learning (1)** NURS 244 Nursing Leadership Dimensions/Role Transition Clinical (4)
NURS 432 Community Health Nursing (3)* NURS Elective (3)
NURS 232 Community Health Nursing Clinical (1)** CHS Elective (2-3)
NURS 434 Nursing of the Childbearing Family (3)** LAS Senior Seminar (3)
NURS 234 Nursing of the Childbearing Family Clinical (1)**  
NURS 435 Nursing of Children and Families (3)**  
NURS 235 Nursing of Children and Families Clinical (1)**  

*Prerequisite courses that require a grade of B- or higher
** Denotes 8-week course delivery