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  1. Knowledge for nursing practice: Synthesize knowledge from the humanities, as well as the natural, social, and nursing sciences as the foundation for critical thinking and clinical decision making. 
  2. Person-centered care: Build upon and apply professional nursing practice knowledge to provide person-centered care that holds the inherent worth and dignity of individuals, families, and communities. 
  3. Population Health: Implement professional nursing practice that addresses the health promotion and disease prevention of populations. Consider the complex economic, legal, political, and ethical issues affecting the delivery of care in the global and dynamic healthcare environment to produce equitable outcomes. 
  4. Scholarship for the nursing discipline: Evaluate and integrate research that supports evidence based nursing practice and enhances clinical practice. 
  5. Quality and safety: Assume responsibility and accountability for professional nursing practice with a focus on consistency, quality, and safety to improve patient outcomes. 
  6. Interprofessional partnerships: Collaborates effectively as a member of the interprofessional team fostering a climate of mutual learning, respect and shared values. 
  7. Systems based practice: Recognize internal and external system processes that impact care throughout the scope of professional practice. Effectively communicate in various healthcare delivery environments to promote care that is sensitive to diverse spiritual and cultural needs. 
  8. Information and healthcare technologies: Apply health information literacy skills to organize and gather data and support clinical decision making. Utilize effective technology to promote quality patient outcomes and align with best practices and regulatory standards. 
  9. Professionalism: Embrace the development of a professional nursing identity and incorporate ethics and values of integrity, compassion advocacy. 
  10. Personal, professional and leadership development: Develop the capacity for leadership using self-reflection, commitment to intellectually inquiry and expanding knowledge, and integration of principal theories in leadership for personal and professional growth.